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Why thank ya kindly
And good luck with the cardigan that yarn looks tricky AF
Hey coffee 🥰
And now I’ve matched my socks to my nails like some dork
Shoes started chafing so I dug up an emergency pair of socks from my rucksack 😣
Hey star shine
>>> Shoes started chafing so I dug up an emerg... The trick is to wear dress socks under your regular socks
Howdy yall
I was a machine gunner in the army and thats what I would do if we had to ruck more than 12 miles
Foot comfort is key when hoofing it far hiking or hunting too.
Happy Friday!
And now Happy Saturday
Ziggy that bird looks like someone touched you in your no no spot lol
>>> Ziggy that bird looks like someone touched... You did, thank you
Hello lovelies 🥰
Hi sil
Hi ziggs
Hii there
Hey sasso
Hi cabinet
Hey sass
How is everyone
Good morning
*slow dances*
>>> *slow dances* Can't stop watching
That bad eh :
Morning ☕️
Afternoon ☕️
Am ready to go home 😴
Good morning. Happy Sunday!
I’m ready for a shower and bed and it’s only 11am
Only 10 here and I agree
Wonder- Bra 😍🤗
Hello again 🤗🤗😜🍒