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Xats per a Majors de 30 anys i més/

ʜʜᴏᴛ ᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇɴ 40ɪꜱʜ+🥸

Ty Brendan
No kids
Hi serini
Sami were you drinking some shine?
Ah ok
How’s everyone’s night going?
Lanceeee! 🥰
Sami! 🤗
Serene! 🥰🥰
Devvv! 🥰
How are we all doing this evening?
I’m great! Had a super delicious dinner and I’m gonna go watch a local band downtown cover 90s music.
I just had dinner and now I’m gonna relax finally
Fish fry time tonight
Wiz! 🥰
Hey serine 🖤
My friend is childless this weekend so she’s dragging me along
She a wild one tho so I’m sure there will be men and drinks involved 🤣
Need proof of this lol
I’ll take pics!
I hope you have fun
I’m gonna see how many random men I can get selfies with. Make a game out of it.
Probably pretty easy for ya haha. Pretty 😍
Sounds like you are in for a great time. Can’t wait to see the pics and full report 😙
I’d take a selfie with you Lance!
Dm me a pic and I’ll photoshop together lmao 😂
They don’t call me Serene the peen Queen for nothing 🤣 jk nobody calls me that.
I am now
>>> They don’t call me Serene the peen Queen f... Hey! I thought the pet name I gave you was between just us 🤭
Oooops 😅
I’m back