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SStoners Lounge🔞🔥💨

Signing divorce papers on Saturday.
I dont know when to stop either
I get drunk everynight for the past 2 weeks
Crying myself to sleep
I need a dab rig,20 grams of wax is a lot godamn!
I would recommend a cricket but they are not cheap
Doing dabs at the renaissance fair was kinda wild
Usually I just pack a little weed in the bowl put a layer of wax down then pack some more weed and smoke it that way.
You are probably saving your tolerance that way
But I do that too
But dab rigs definitely get you higher,they also burj the hell out of your throat and lungs lol
This is what I use.
For dabbers
Oh you put the wax in their??
That's dope
Goes from 0-600 degrees
And it rips. I have an e rig too and I wish I didn’t waste the money tbh
My habit is already horrible with an actual e rig or traditional rig I’d be HURTIN 😹😮‍💨
Ouu give It to me lol that's exactly what I need😌
600 degrees is crazy 😬
I never hit it that high I would die
But it ain’t cheap. MSRP are 400 but I got mine for 300. I think you can get them now for 250 MAYBE
Pax is better
I'm not going to spend that much money on marijuana related items ngl
Yeah no lmfao
There are much cheaper ways to get way higher 😂
🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve spent too much.
Load it and smoke it
Thats how
Indeed there is but the way I get high is most satisfying and therapeutic for me. How you get high is up to you lmfao.
I’ve gone through SO MANY DEVICES over the years. Including the pax lol. And the tiny might 2/cricket combo is the best
That’s a tiny might 2 fyi
What is wax?
YeH. That’s the stuff
Thanks Miriam
Merriam * 😂
How is everyone??