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Kesehatan & Dukungan/

SStoners Lounge🔞🔥💨

>>> Anyone smokin? Yeah I'm smokin
Smokin HOT 🤣
Professional level
I just had a nice joint of some of the dankest stuff
Sorry I should have started with "High"Hi
First time in this joint 😁
I took 5 minutes to write the last message
Let's stoned
I'm pretty stoned
Nice kitty
morning stonerz
Who's up to smoke
i’m about to pack a bowl fr
💨Is it time to smoke??💨
after i take a piss lol
Good afternoon everyone
Anyone smokin?
I was
Helps after a day at my job
Stressful day?
Hiii everyone
My harvest is looking really good!
Are we invited to the harvest party??
Haha after my trim team comes definitely
Just got her hung yesterday she has another 2 weeks to dry
Hiiiiiii sorry i got distracted playing Minecraft
Is anyone around?
I know someone is here lurking
Show yourself
I’m here munch sorry lol
I was playing games too and I went and got 3-.5g dispos so I’m a lil baked
I got grape krush rn
It’s one of those chimney-less designs so it’s just a panel of oil and it’s kinda trippin me out I’m like where’s the vapor coming from o_o witchcraft!