Some beautiful ladies right there
Thought the yellow part was an egg yolk lmaoo I was like “oooh yolk bong”
It kinda looks like a egg
photo shoot for the nug :3
Not much just chillin playing skate
I was going to play fort but update
Its hits really nicely in my opinion, the perfect little travel bong
You’re right though, it is sort of small…what’s the biggest bowl you have?
I got some that's pretty big
Just can't remember where they are now
Yeah, I have some good sized bowls as well
But most i just use some medium ones i get cheap on wish
It's like 3$ for two and they come with a glass screen
If one break i just order a new two pack
I got a new pack somewhere but can't find it anywhere now 😂
They come with these but i usually pop em out and replace em
But they are nice for just greens
Working on it. Just got home like an hour ago from moving stuff to our new house. Picked up my package with an ounce of gmoruntz badder and 4 grams of bubble bath live resin