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Центральная и Северная Европа/

🦄SCOTLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

No we’re not 😌
I agree with witty, but then I'm English.
Evening folks
Evening x
Amuse me 😉😘
Wow 🤯
What a happening
Nothing a much Mario 🤣🤣
Good Night Scotland xx
Good morning Scotland
Morning blondie
Morning Dazza
How are you?
No bad ! Just hate Mondays
Howz you ?
Hate mondays also. Did get a bonus of ‘69’ though🤣
Perfect bonus😂🤣
My thoughts exactly!
I really cba going to work today
Likewise but needs must
Morning all, just popping in to say hi
What's happened in here🤔
Not alot🤣
Exactly lol
Hello Frog
Seems like anti might actually be dying this time
I think Mondays are always quiet for some reason
That & people are sick of the web version
That's true too
My app still works but it seems it doesn’t for a lot of people
I had to click on the link and start again. Had a job finding all my contacts.
Darling Antilanders, I see nothing much changes after months away. Hope everyone's doing good 🫂
Im on iOS and the app has been working since last Saturday
Idk why that is 🤔
Aberdeen here
Mine stopped working for a day and then started again
Hi from Ireland how's everyone tonight
Good morning 😁
Morning blondie
Buongiorno ☕️
Good afternoon folks
How’s it going