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🦄SCOTLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Quiet in here
Proper quiet aye 👀
Because I'm not talking. 🤣🤣
Oh, and Witty isn't talking. 🤣🤣
What is she doing smh
I'm not sure. I've not saw her since early.
How you doing Pix?
Have you had dinner?
I'm doing good. Yourself?
I have, first thing had all day. LOL. You?
Jeezo how come ?
Aye am good thanks
Aye just had a chicken wrap
I don't eat right. Me and ma relationships with food is strange. LOL. Sometimes eat more, sometimes one meal, sometimes nothing. I'm glad you are good. That's good, I'm glad you had something to eat.
Awww alright x
Yups. But all good. X
I'm being a good girl.
Am missing ya bangs
Bants** lol
Wittys back 👀
Oi oi little miss sore lugs 😊
🤭🤭 What can I say? Hehe
Mmmm watcha saaaay that you only meant well? Off courts you did mmmm watcha say that is all for the best 🎶🎶
Sorry not sorry
Weeesh Shapnin
Anyone still alive
Here I am
Again oan ma own
🎶All by myseeeeeeelf🎶
Dinnae wanna be aw by ma shelf
Too mee
Quite funny that pix 😂
Has her moments yon pix
Smart and funny that pix 🤌🏻
Y’all she speaks 6 languages 🤯
But does she Ken Ken
Idk 🤔
Speaking in 6 different accents is like speaking in 6 different languagesa