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أوروبا الوسطى والشمالية/

🦄SCOTLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Aye were cooshty
Doesny make your chat any better but eh hahaha
Well am not here to impress you
How no like
Catch yi
Well you killed it
Hey guys
Hey matt
Hi again snicks, hi Ashy
Hello Bob 🥰
How’s everyone?
Quiet eh
Yeah, pretty quiet, people are busy
I have noticed it's always like that on a Sunday
And a Saturday
People getting actual pumped and such
Any Lanarkshire girls?
To soon for a Irish man to be in here? 😂
Anyone awake
>>> To soon for a Irish man to be in here? 😂 Yes 👀
>>> To soon for a Irish man to be in here? 😂 Not at all ... I think you went easy on us ... that should have been a cricket score
Ashy lol
Can we chat
If the game wasn't on would he still come in the room 🤔
To be fair it was a good game yous came back in the second half I got scared for a little bit
Aww ffs am gonna go read
You're ranked 2nd in the world, we're utter dog shit
Group is alive
>>> Aww ffs am gonna go read Don't leave me 😭👀🤣
Pumpings were finished I guess
Aww your not its still up for anyone can still win it I think the clash of heads but you off
>>> Don't leave me 😭👀🤣 She said she'll not leave you as long as you send Rebel tits 🫡
>>> She said she'll not leave you as long as y... Lies 🤣
Not me ... I'm as honest as the day is long
🎶 the longer the daylight, the less I do wrong 🎶