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🇬🇧Britain Chat & Chill😎

I seen football chants on YouTube and one of the best is.. his eyes are offside, his eyes are offside, mesut ozil his eyes r offside
Haha I’ve been involved in chanting that before 🤣
When I go on there I always end up watching Sunderland chants etc
I know them all but just fills me with joy listening to them lol
My brother refers to Ozil as “the pug”
Haha I see that
Ninja! 😘🤗
Hey Keeps 😘
How are you hon?
I’m alright, bit of aches and pains but alright
Getting old I bet
Decorating, building furniture and helping parents in the garden 😭 great way to spend free time haha
Lol I’m older
I’m older
Lol I bet the garden looks great though
Neil 🤗🤗
It will be, it’s more getting the ponds sorted, behind the shed etc
Miss soul
Soul the new series of dw is happening soon as there is a trailer on YT u need to watch the rest
In April, right?
😮 I want a pond
Hurry up and watch Capaldi so then can watch the amazing Jodie
Yeah they have a couple, I’m thinking of putting one in my back garden, I’d have to build a waterfall to go with it though
Build me a waterfall 😍
You like her? I keep hearing bad things about her
I want frogs in my pond
She just had some bad episodes but she was a good doctor
Then u gotta watch NPH in the 60th
I watched those
U already watched it before watching Jodie? Suppose to watch them in sequence
David Tennant and NPH is definitely one of my kinks
Once I’m done with mine and head over and sort you out 😏
Yay! 🥰
I get told I look nothing like both of those
Lol hey Crazy 🤗🤗
Hay there how’s you this morning
It’s evening here. I’m tired
I’m not made for extended shifts
Go home miss soul
I am home
Evening where are u?
I’m in the us. In Texas
Phhh Texas accent all southern very nice
Sleep well, Neil 🤗🤗