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🇬🇧Britain Chat & Chill😎

Military for you
That’s awesome. Thank you for your service 🤗
Hey 👋
Scol! 🤗🤗
How are you guys?
Hon *
I’m ik tbf
Where are we headed to Scotland?
I go on Wednesday
Oh good, I’ll pack my bag
See ya there
Hey 👋
Morning everyone
Good morning Brits 🤗🤗
Hey keeper
Hey Rabid 🤗 how are you?
I’m ok thanks how are you and how was you sleep
My sleep was good, ty. I’m not ready for another work day though
lol I understand that no one ever is
I have 9 invoices due today and there’s no way I’ll have them done
Ohhh no you need to work harder then no coffee breaks
Lol they don’t pay me enough for that
Get some help with them
Wanna help me?
Maybe what perks do I get
Unhealthy amounts of stress for not enough pay
But you can work from home
I’ll leave the stress
But I’ll help you unwind
I can’t even look forward to the weekend because December is stressful af with family as well. This weekend we’ll celebrate my birthday, next weekend my brother’s birthday, then my sister’s husband’s graduation. Then the holidays
Oh no a busy time pity I can’t help you celebrate your birthday in person
Lol ty hon
Np always nice celebrating a birthday with a lovely woman
You misspelled old 🤭
Only a little bit. And aging is different for men and women
Women age slower
It’s true