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🇬🇧Britain Chat & Chill😎

Hali 👋
Grumpy 🙂 👋
Hey Grumps mate
I have no plan tonight , I need to rest because I have work this weekends
Rest is important, don’t want you over doing it.
How about you any plans for tonight
Or the weekends?
Nothing for the rest of the daynight. Maybe order some food so I don’t have to cook haha tomorrow I’m at the football
Hi roker mate 👊
How’s it going? Done for the weekend?
You have a good weekends 🥳
I love my weekends lol travel around the country watching my team. Wouldn’t change it for the world
Not even for a warm bed with really fluffy pillows?
Travelling is the best
There’s nothing I’d choose over the football haha
It’s more the football than the travelling lol
You are awesome
I knew what you’d say but still had to ask
I am awesome
Pugs 👋
Neil 🤗🤗
Roker - still at work till 8pm.. then weekend starts for me
No more working!!
Two days off for me
Hey Brits 🤗🤗
Hey hey hey
Everyone okay?
I guess
What’s the matter?? Xx
Everyone are busy having breakfast or starting there day at work
Well, nothing special just colds
How are you terminator?
Surviving. 4 more days until the weekend
Lucky you
I have work until week ends😭
Im off yesterday
Happy Saints Patrick days to you
Ello govner
Hi shadow