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💙Tattoo and Beard Love

I miss my cold bedroom. This heater on with the dogs in the bed is no fun lol
I must sleep in a chilly room with a fan. Best way to sleep
😂😂they tryna keep u cozy
💀I have a mini heater on kow and ceiling fan on blast
Got the fan going. It would be better if I had thr bedroom door open but I don't want them going upstairs getting into something they aren't supposed to
Ill be home Saturday though
Bottom right is me right now lol
So glad its friday
Mmmm chili
Yay Friday
Hi uh I know this is a tattoo chat but I just got my first lip piercing and idk if I can wear chapstick or not yet
I tried to google it and google said yes and no so I was like huh
I'm sure u can
Happy weekend
I just don’t wanna like risk anything this is like my first non nose face piercing 😭
Use vaseline lol
What u laughin at pato
You pollo
Who in here know or friends with a tattoo artist in the US?
I have a tattoo artist i go to
Lol how are u today?
Ask the person who pierced you
It is cold
Doin anything tn?
I wish lol! Someone’s gonna have to party for me
Im picking up my mom and her friend for dinner then getting my cat from my mom and taking her home then go chil will thr pups
I love the fur friends! I hope you have a good night
Im having a drink lol
My face hurts lmao
Morning to all from down under
are you from US?
Yes are you
Ya get me
U get me
You complete me