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💙Tattoo and Beard Love

Good morning
Good morning
Hi Kiwi
Hows it going
I got a new job
Beautiful day today
Congrats! did you start yet?
I will start Jan 3rd
Yay congrats Kiwi!
Congratulations Kiwi!!!
Thanks! It happened so quick that I just had to accept and give my notice on the same day
I don’t have a beard or tats, can I still stay and play with the cool kids?
Yup. I don't have a beard either lol
Cheers lol
If I could I’d grow a damn fine one though.
All I have is a beard
Another than that I'm ugly
Daum we might be twins aye
I guess
Good morning
Haha what did I miss
I was thinking the same thing
Good morning
Morning. ☀️
How’s your morning been
Still in bed. Going on a weekend getaway in a couple of hours
Anyone up for fun
What kinda of fun
Lotteria fun, everytime ur card comes out you take a shott