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Hobby & Interessi/

💙Tattoo and Beard Love

Hey, what’s up with the stars in the profile and the number?
I don't have that
That’s how it looks everyone has different numbers and stars
From ratings
When you chat with people in the dm you can rate them
Same for rooms. It will ask you to rate the room
Rate what
The person you're talking to or the room you're in
You've been rated by 75 different people
I cant see mine since it hasn't updated to that yet
Oh man I think that’s really stupid
19 for you
19 works for me lol
20 next
Im good lol
Work is really boring. It’s a shame you can’t just leave earlier and still get paid
I can. I'm salary now
But ive been busy and have just under an hour left
Oh wow did you see that? Palworld is finally getting a big storage box for our Pals took them long enough😬
Oh you know the Pals have always been stuck in the Box in the base but now there’s a separate extra large box so no more tough choices about kicking out the bad ones😅 lol
Don't know what you're talking about
Is it a game?
Oh yeah check it out it’s awesome 😗It’s so much fun like you just can’t stop playing. Want to join in and get in on the action too😏
Lol im good
Morning Keeley
Interesting day that knackered me
What happened
Lots of crows gathering this morning looking beautiful then some stupid indian cunt hit my parked car smh not heaps of damage but don't need the drama
Bestie had his car side swiped at work. No serious damage but will have to get new paint on it
As long as he is ok
Insurance will pay but the inconvenience borrowed my mates ute 3on the tree
He was just pissed. We weren't around ti see what car did it since it was in a parking lot