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Omg! Bread!
Lobster ravioli
Staaaahp. Imma cry
I need to leave
Good morning. To the 3 people left on this app..
Oof anti be broke and cheap now with these bonuses 😅
Mine have been awful lately lol
Like throw us a bone asshats. We're still here lol 😂😅
Right… reward the loyal ppl you got left 🙃
I got 710
I’ve actually been doing good with complimentary fake money lately
Lol I'm jealous of your fake winnings 😂
JOEEEEE BBBB 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
I got like 150 last night.
JOSHYYYYY 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
My bonus was 16 🥴
>>> Like throw us a bone asshats. We're still ... Ya think they care?
They're avoiding an app ban by using Novas other company to publish the app
Bahahahaha of course they are 🥴
Hiya Joshy 🤗🤗
That's just sad.
It'll get banned again soon
Hi Lilly
You legit feel ripped off when that happens🤣
Right… buncha bafoonery going on
>>> Hi Lilly How are you ?
Goddamn 😍😍😍
I was just trying to decide if I should have wings for dinner and then saw this. The fates have spoken
Ayyyeeee I need to get my ass to a Culver’s asap
Wings 😮‍💨😮‍💨
I had in and out instead of culvers. Though I wanna try the walleye from culvers.
Ngl, their fish fry is stupid good from Culver’s 😂
That's what I hear but I have not tried it. The walleye is only for lent.
Gotta get on that Aces
Yeah easter thankfully is still a month away.
What did your order?
Seeing as it was St. Patrick’s Day.,, I went with a Reuben ☘️🇮🇪
Sounds good.