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Cute spider 🕷️
I’m so glad it dropped twice 😆
I like
Next time dropped triple 🤣
I love stickers 😻
Me too.
Do you have cats sticker too
Cat in a box 😮
Newest addition
Omg that looks hella nice
I’m happy with it… minus it missing a piece 🙃
How're you always missing a piece?! 😂😭
I have no idea 😒 it ALWAYS missing something lol
What is missing from this one?
The banner 🫠
Why is it always signage 😅
I literally have NO idea 😂 Lego just hates me lol
Dang Joe that's no fun. It still looks amazing!
You know they will send you the missing pieces for free.
I know a guy… an adult lego enthusiast. This guy literally. Has his entire basement dedicated to lego
He builds complete villages
I haven’t seen a GS yet this year. I work in a county office and they’re usually fighting over the business. Guess not. I leave a 20 in my desk just in case.
Ngl that sounds great
Pasta is nearly done then it will cook for about an hour on low heat.
He goes to conventions n shit
The gs are everywhere here but I guess they have some controversy about there cookies based on your area.
That looks freaking delicious!
Yumm 🫠🫠
Thank you, it is!
Dad joke of the day: Apparently you can't use 'beefstew" as a password. It's not stroganoff.
BOOOOO lol😆😆