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I did. It was a Jackie Chan duck and evade
I’m sure you looked smooth doing it haha
🤣🤣🤣 of course I did. I always look smooth when I’m on 2 wheels. 😂😂😂
Haha you figured as much
I mean I figured as much hahaha
Hello ducky
Hello, how have you been?
Doing good, thanks! How about yourself?
About the same… haven’t been on here a while… did they stop supporting iOS???
Yeah it got removed and can’t get back from what I’m understanding.
Crazy I’m using the web browser version on my iOS lmao
Haha same. It’s pretty terrible, huh? Haha
Definitely different. Didn’t know I had a rating 😆
Hahah I thought that was super weird
app still workin fine for me
though annoying it’s off the app store
if you have the app why do you need it from the store 🤔
Convenience did a round about way to get it
i don’t get it
Nvm then
Hello all
Good morning
Cause you are so special
Good morning everybody
Good morning brew
Good morning Jack!
Hey Erin!
How’s it going this morning?
Not too bad!! Been a struggle getting the kiddo moving though. I’ll be running late today haha
How are you doing?
I’m good. Finishing up coffee. Will have some breakfast. And then workout
Sounds like a good plan!
Mornin 👀
Happy First Day of Spring!
Uhhhh it’s raining here and temp is supposed to drop throughout the day. lol
35 and overcast here rn.
Good morning
Good morning
Hey all
Is anyone here for naughty chat
Buenos dias😏😊