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Hello new and newer
Anyone near KC?
👋 hot erin
Everyone is new 😂
Good morning ☀️
am still new here
Good morning!!!!!
Mornin new
Good morning everybody
Hi CB how are you doing ☕️
I’m alright I reckon. U?
I’m alive rn so I’m good so far
I’m new here, how does this work
Good morning
Hi there 🌙乃尺乇山🌙
Happy Monday 🤪
So far it is 😁😜
That's good to hear
The weekends go by too fast unfortunately
Yes they do like a blink of an eye
I worked all weekend so I was more than ready for it to be over
We need 3 day weekends off
I got sent home from work early today so I guess it's a three day weekend for me
That’s nice but it hurts the paycheck
I have every other frisatsun off
Very true it's going to hurt on payday
I used to only have two weekends off a month
It never failed my weekends off the weather wasn't so good
Teaser 😜😂😂😂
How's the weather over there in Missouri today?
Sun is coming up looks like a nice sunny 🌞 day
And no wind right now
It's sunny here in Ohio but only 39 degrees so far
34degs here
I think supposed to get up in the lower 40s today but we will see they can ever predict the weather correctly
Definitely going to be warmer there than here LOL
I’m ready for warm weather
Me too as long as it doesn't get too warm
Have a good day brew stay safe I'll be back later
3 day weekends are nice until the next weekend when you gotta work fri-sun. lol