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One big room or?
Like 12 beds
I think we can figure out sleeping arrangements after we get there hopefully haha
Ok. Only 2 seats left out of KC tomorrow. Who am I booking for? I will fly out of STL
Maybe bnb 🤔
Would be better to leave Wednesday. So plan that. Lol
No sleeping allowed
Name is Pink Chicken, bday 1-1-1900
For who? Everyone? Someone is gonna have to keep us in check lol
Hope your phone id matches that!!!
Ugh. Photo. Not phone
I knew what you meant
Airports allow Face ID now
Oh idk I was kidding
Awesome if they do 😂
Hahaha I’m dumb what’s new
Make sure everyone hits a tanning place before we leave. Don’t want to deal with a bunch is sunburned peeps the first day
Even if I tan I’ll burn haha
I’ll bring aloe!!
Perfect. I great at applying it!! 😘
y'all too much
Jack wanna go to Hawaii?
Might need a body guard
Sure 👍🏻
It’ll be my fourth trip. I can be a guide too.
Squid needs someone to hold him up
He tired or something?
No but he will be drinking and pouring drinks haha
And he is a giggly drunk
Ahhh. Ok
Nice tan lines
Drop and run
Happens all the time
Also sorry I’m out wandering Target
Whatcha buying me? I need a suitcase lol
Any girls interested in being in a throuple ?