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🐾Littles Pet World 🐾

Me wants owl now
nu eats that man me use magic watch AVADY KADABY 😤☠🐀
Sue, bye me owl pwease?
Me wan bunny 🥹 da only animal me love and brave enough
Bye bye zaney owl
Me spented all money on muggle stuff
Sue buys me owl pwease?
Otays *buys zaney owl*
nu needs buy watch *magicy owl*
Yay! Me has owl!
*aby daby cwown* 👸
I thought it was acio
nu that sumon not make
You has stwong and tuff owl
Aby daby gold
Achioo? 🤧
Bless u
Ish spelly 🪄
I can’t keep my eyes open any longer
Nini sweet dreams
*put zane in nest*
Can fit you bof in dere?
ish big nesty
Happy birthday too me
appy hatch day 😇🥳🎂
Hello everyone
How is everyone?
I'm good happy birthday
🎶 it's ya birthday it's ya birthday Happy happy birthday hey hey 🎶
*Wakies uppies and stretchies* me had bestest sleepies
Oh, me in nest, no wonder me had great sleepies
Sup everyone
moops 🙃
hehe 🤭