احصل على التطبيق
أرسل واستقبل رسائل مجهولة

احصل على التطبيق لإرسال واستقبال الرسائل المجهولة 💌

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🐾Littles Pet World 🐾

me has map too
Thash cools too’s
*sits as slitherin* 🙃
All da coolysss
me slitherin too 😁
Hat hat hat
Where owl??
Nu owl here, just 2 cats
owl on posty wun
Remembers, can choose cats or owl or lizard
Or rat or toad
Me chose cats
Nu, me chose cats to eats himself
Me wants owl now
nu eats that man me use magic watch AVADY KADABY 😤☠🐀
Sue, bye me owl pwease?
Me wan bunny 🥹 da only animal me love and brave enough
Bye bye zaney owl
Me spented all money on muggle stuff
Sue buys me owl pwease?
Otays *buys zaney owl*
nu needs buy watch *magicy owl*
Yay! Me has owl!
*aby daby cwown* 👸
I thought it was acio
nu that sumon not make
You has stwong and tuff owl
Aby daby gold
Achioo? 🤧
Bless u
Ish spelly 🪄
I can’t keep my eyes open any longer
Nini sweet dreams
*put zane in nest*
Can fit you bof in dere?
ish big nesty
Happy birthday too me
appy hatch day 😇🥳🎂