*trys mesure every thing*
Want more attention and disyraty
*gwiggwes as nwoms Mwaci eaw*.
-runs in and dives into pillow fort- I IS KING DUCK (took me 8 times to write that damn auto correct)
Dat says a lot about how you text
*nwuzzwes Mwaci an puwws*.
*gwiggwes as nwuzzwes*. Me mwiss ou.
Noooooo! *hwuggies ou*. Me mwiss ou mowe. Me hink ou fogwot mes. 🥹🥹
*pwounces on Sissy Sue*. Me mwiss ou!
Sissy pixie!!! *Huggies you* me miss you too!!
*walks the the freezer and reaches up and jumps trying to reach the handle*
*grabs a chair and meow climbs up on them to open the freezer and get a dreamsicle