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LLonely Sad & Bored 2.0

>>> 6 digits ? Yes. I saw a video of this chick saying 'her man needa make 6 figures' and she work at McDonalds
ahhhh salary wise
prolly why she need the 6 digits with her lifestyle
if she get em 2 digits she gonna go broke lamo
Can’t buy pokemon cards with 2digit jobs
Im appal on how expensive they r
And im not into pokemon like that.
They’re not bad when you buy from stores but really hard to find
I don’t wanna go to work
Don’t go then 🤷‍♂️ it’s pretty easy
Ded in here
Someone gift me to liven it up a lil bit
Lol if I don’t got I don’t got money to pay bills
lol the struggle
Hey all
You gotta work then
I'm tryna play tonight
Hi ❤️
Hi to you, Honey Comb?
Honey Comb is a good cereal
Definitely a good cereal fr. I used to love them and pops
I loooooved corn pops. I ate it dry too 😂
Lol I definitely used to eat them dry. They were so good to me. Had my mouth dry asab though
What's poppin with you?
Not a lot. You?
Not shii. Just chilling. Looking to rp frfr and have a little fun
Good morning lonely ladies ☺️
Normally I’d be down to rp, but tonight…I don’t know
Why? What's wrong?
Hi 💚Sassirific💚🔒
Hi there all
1223 bonus !
1,370 ha ha
lol about time
No powers lol your frog was missing ya !
Lies!! I’ve seen him in at least 6 other rooms tryna round up females 😪
I al sea testicle-less for a while
Am sick of all the insults 🤧
No he’s in those rooms looking for you obviously
Typed in the wrong room thinking it was this one.
Hey y'all