I don't think scary means runv
🤷♂️I’m too outa shape to run so yall gotta go around me
I’m not gonna argue with a duck 🫣
Hen is good at disguise 😎
You call that dancing 🤔interesting
Those were my best moves smh
I can’t it’s so beautiful
I only got 863 on my bonus today smfh
Anyone wanna be chatting friends
I just have to share this with someone 🤣
Lil bro hanging on to life 😭😭😭😭😭🤣💔
let go and it's game over 😭😂🤦
Maybe it’s a novelty rucksack 🎒
All I know is you snooze you lose
I just want something as strong as that kids will to survive … too much to ask for ?
It makes me sad that life has so many responsibilities. I just want to chill, relax, have fun, but that's just not possible
True. As for me, I moved to a new place rn and even if I’m with my family, everyday I wake up with a heavy heart.