احصل على التطبيق
أرسل واستقبل رسائل مجهولة

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LLonely Sad & Bored 2.0

I do blame him. I want a divorce.
Hen 👀
Hey pizza 👀
How is you
Good! How are you?
I'm not too bad
Everyone is sleeping
You should be too lmaoo
Why are you up
lol waiting for my ex husband
Your ex husband ?
Ohhhh ned
He's up ?
No. He usually is. Maybe he’s out with his gf.
Lmao damn 😂
Nahhhh he can't be. He got ya
Watcha thinking bout
Good morning 🌅
Lonely single dad here… would love some nice company
Alone and bored in bed
Lmfao typical female…. I could be out doing drugs or cheating but let a man have a hobby and she goes right to divorce 🤣🤣
Females ain’t shih
Yeah we aren't.. we're pretty good
Some can be messe up tho, things happen
>>> Lmfao typical female…. I could be out doin... I seen women wash ps5 controllers
And delete gaming accounts
And yet ask them to do the dishes or laundry and they lose their minds
Nah imaging wanting someone for 6 digits and can barely maintain 2 digits in the 10s
Idc if i get called a pick me but thats just unreasonable standards. I learned quick rich men dont want broke women unless she has something he wants
Ahh money
Does anyone have a ps5 tho. I can use more friends to play with on a real note
Xbox here 🤷‍♂️ my last gf washed my ps5 🤣🤣
6 digits ?
>>> 6 digits ? Yes. I saw a video of this chick saying 'her man needa make 6 figures' and she work at McDonalds
ahhhh salary wise
prolly why she need the 6 digits with her lifestyle
if she get em 2 digits she gonna go broke lamo
Can’t buy pokemon cards with 2digit jobs
Im appal on how expensive they r
And im not into pokemon like that.
They’re not bad when you buy from stores but really hard to find
I don’t wanna go to work
Don’t go then 🤷‍♂️ it’s pretty easy