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Not as bad as some guys have been, but enough to make me a little more selective
Fair enough
Nice. Three shiny already
I was in 6 raids and got 3 shines out of it
My luck is done for this year
I did all I could and only got 3
Everyone else I know got 3
I got one lol. Only 8 raids tho
Foxy, do u kno if Thomas (pup) is still around?
Oh idk I haven’t heard from him in 2 years so probably not
I have a Registeel near me but no one to raid with
Anyone willing to help?
Shadow raids arent invitable
They’d have to hack to reach it
It’s a remote raid
At least it’s showing up as one for me
It’s also allowing me to invite friends
I’m down
For shadow
You can remote raid shadow pokemon for the team rocket takeover event. Limited time for now. Take advantage.
That’s cool asf
Especially with shadow Ho oh tomorrow
The raids start in 30 minutes on poke genie 😂
Got this beauty today👌
I haven't even seen one
Really ?
I got all 3
I need galarticuno still
Oh nice, I got two shinies. I didn’t stay out for long though, it was really cold
I got my shiny hoho on the last free pass I had
I hate the particle limit I was barely able to get two dyna arti ones garbo and a 98
I’m not that technical about the game tbh, I just rocked up to the raids and took part
Purify or not?
If you really want a hundo then yea (I would keep it like that tho)
Keep it shadow it gets bonuses
Well I bought some Japanese packs