Lmao it does! I’ve literally yelled at the phone, screaming “stay in the damn ball” lmao
Especially legend raids I always gold razz excellent curveball and they break out immediately
Kyurem was so hard to catch
And i did so many raids and got only one shiny and poor stats in general
Have you guys spent real money on Pokémon GO? No judging if you have I’ve honestly thought about spending real money on egg incubators and Raid passes. Lol
I have multiple times it’s so hard to get coins with gyms
I have a few times for remote raids
When I was at the height of my addiction
And raids for the necrozma fusion energy
I want the fire croc ticket but I’m broke rn 😂
Not anymore tho cuz its too expensive now
If they just left the coin store alone, it would be fine but they jacked up those coin prices like it’s ridiculous. Like the purple raid passes they were what, 300 for three I think and now it’s 500 550? It’s nuts.
Yup plus they’re going to scopely now and they’re all about battle passes and ptw at least that’s how the other games they have that I’ve played are
Ughhhh lame!!! I hate ptw…
Same I always try to ftp but it’s hard these days
Well idk why games have to resort ptw.. like why?
I mean when they heavily rely on it. I get why, but don’t rely on ptw.. if that makes sense
They greedy and want money
Ugh… lol greed will kill us all
Hope you get some rare ones!
I want both pikachus and alolan exegg from surging
Whoa! Haven’t seen that one yet
I want the jap version but so expensive
The eevees look great in that one but there's more trainer cards than Pokémon
They com fsu was pissing me off lol
Must of gotten like at least 200 no shiny no good iv lol
I got this one at retail idk if I wanna open it yet lol
I forgot to evolve some of it
So what is the news with that Pikachu thing?