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Ouuuu. Near perfect!! 🥲🥲
It’s nice but stings at the same time 😆
No, so true
Chasing any particular starter in dynamax?
I went for charmander since the next dyna will be Beldum
I was just doing them all
Do y’all collect the cards too?
I pulled this today
Nice haul
This was my best Rapi
Well. Best shiny at least
This is my best Dash.
OG at that
My account got restarted in 2021. But it had been years since I had logged in before that.
King of 98s
Didn't get anything from cd other than 3 crappy Stat galar shiny
Didn't get a shiny Kanto ponyta
I use a PoGo Plus +.. and I ran out of regular pokeballs so I didn’t catch as much as I probably would have if I did and noticed I was out.
I’m ready for Beldum this Wednesday. Should be fun seeing those next round of max battles
Oh, for sure!!
I have a crappy knock off one I need to use more I got 800 red ones so i should be ok
Hey, whatever helps. I mainly use mine when I’m out and about and want to enjoy the scenery too and not just looking at my phone
Auch Spieler aus Deutschland hier?
So cool
Was ist denn cool 😉
The ponyta is cool
Ah now i understand✌️✌️
My best catch today Abra 100iv
Also nice
Also in Shiny, Big surprise out of an egg
Not bad lol
Yall get any Beldums yet?
Naaa, have to choose one of my charmander and make it strong
I tried transferring the wild charge rapidash to home and it lost wild charge. Damn