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yeah like that 🙄lol
Sup blaze
Hii little foot
how’s you
Bored tbh
Killing time
Doing alright tbh, how’s you 🌚
Good too
Good three
Good four
Good five
Good six
This could go on forever
It already ended
Imagine if it got to like good ninety though lol. Lurkers would be so confused lol.
Where everyone was saying good then the next number. It got to six. Imagine if the chat got filled with good and whatever number.
People that just logged on would be so confused lol.
Lol yeah facts
Eyo all
How's everyone's day going
Hey hey
Well hiya bun
Wanna see what I did today
New vinyl floors I did paint and trim last week
That doors being a real biatch though
It's all offset and falling apart
Can you do my floors?🤭
Where ya live
I mean if you pay travel costs both way
Far far away😂😂
But I highly recommend you use the ship lap vinyl instead of this cheap crap
This is just a quick sale
I think I’ve got floors good now, there’s other issues thoigh
I can do anything from foundation to roof
Farm style looks real nice painted the whole house
Lol I cook too
Removing all starch from ones diet is incredibly hard ....
I don’t really eat starch anyway
I only need a couple of things, I did most of it myself, but I’m terrible at drilling
Need to finish my kitchen, clear out one of the rooms, move my bed in there, move a couch here, properly finish the floors and I’ll be probably happy