What would people do if they saw me passed out in the park
Prob avoid you like a traffic cone
Guess I was in an orange dress
Hi 37 f here from India looking for someone for long term roleplaying..it will be detailed and descriptive and fun and will not revolve only around sex ...pm me if you are interestedd
>>> Guess I was in an orange dress
Yeah i guess so
F18. Like daddy, being shared, rough, and 🐶
Did you tell em you're not going to work today?
You doin ok nav I read back a bit
I forgot my necklace, whose hand can I use?
Lol I have five fingers available
I’m fine, I’m blaming my hormones for everything 😅
Haha . I really need to go bed shopping today
Can I try it out with ya?😝
Don't know if I can handle a month of crappy sleep before I start this new contract
Would have to get a plane ticket first
Omg I slept with a nail punch in my pocket
Prolly not but I was whooped that kitchen was a two man job and I did it solo
Got rained out I might actually get to wear nice clothes today
Thank you Nav 😔 I woke up in jail. Not sure what for 😂
I need me a puddle buddy for this rainy day
It's freakin foggy out here but not raining
Great for crops bad for work
I like work usually more than people
That's cool, I don't like it
Cuddles are waaaaay better than work