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This is kind of a silly thing to say
Mmmm e’s slippery slope
Hey ✌️
What 👀
Why am I running 👀
Because of reasons 👀
Could have tied up here!
Crawling is better👀
If you get tired I’ll carry you!
Your the only normal one here
You clearly don’t know me at all lol
No but I lie to
klo klo 💜✨🦘
Why you lyin
Like to even😂
I mean he’s got a point you’re probably 3. Out of the top three craziest people here
Who is one and two 😤
I don’t come third 😠
I always let my woman come first
Gotta get it out the way I guess
I prefer for it to be at the same time personally
After the first one…she’s normally just a waterfall
But why not before and after as well sometimes 🤭
Easy to go over and over after that
Let’s go😂
I used to find the third one the most intense
Hmmm I should make a Histogram
I’m the third
The puns on this one…
It’s an affliction 😞
Well I enjoy it😌
It wouldn’t stop me if you didn’t lol
Lol of course not
It wouldn’t be as funny if it wasn’t completely organic