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Asia is a continent and Arabs are Asia too.
Jordan is not part of Asia
I'm wrong.
Its part of Asia😆
I am European
Because I was talking to them.
You said Arab now european👀
i was in their rooms
Arab countries is part of Asia
In the western part of the world when people say asia they mean eastern part of Asia
Not all of them
Yeah. I said that I was wrong
Turkey is the boundaries of asia and Europe
>>> Turkey is the boundaries of asia and Europe There's a name for it.
Jordan from the Levant group
Western Asia
Jordan, Palestine, Syria. Iraq
Same with Russia
I was talking to the Russians as well.
And I learned their language.😁
>>> In the western part of the world when peop... Eyes on the road not in the legs.....
I mean AL
I can understand small Arabic and talk too
It's nice
But i dunno how to read and write in arabic wording
It's hard.
English is easy
Really hard
But i can count lol
١. ٢.....٣.....٤
Wahid, ethnin, talata, arbaa ,kamsa
Habibti for female Habibi for male. Hayati
Alarms are ready goodnight 🥱🥱🥱