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Yep, I can't wait
>>> 🤣I seen what the cousin looks like Which cousin sorry
💀I think was his cousin I only seen trailer but the other guy she falls for
And then she dies
He kills her cause she's annoying
Don't worry about it David, just focus on painting a beautiful picture 🥲
Sakie, what are you 2 even talking about? Lol
>>> Sakie, what are you 2 even talking about? Lol About a plot that's all u gotta know lmaooo
>>> 💀I think was his cousin I only seen trail... Oooh Nacho?
They mention her old ex before massimo basically took her from him i forget his name but some polish dude
What movieTV show
Its 365 days, 2nd movie i think
Sakie was right ... I only needed to know the plot 😂😂
😂😂I told u smh
U never listen
I should have listened 😭
To late
Ur fault
It's never too late..
Technically it's Malaks fault for telling me 🤭🤭🤭
U asked
After I said
Just the plot u needed to know
You're right
It's with you and Malaks fault
😂😂u wanted to be nosy
See the plot gets you interested
Nah lol I still have no interest in watching it lol
🤣I just wanted to know who she picks and guessing she has no baby
>>> 😂😂u wanted to be nosy 😂😂 cat personality, remember?
>>> Nah lol I still have no interest in watchi... You just want the summary 😅
She wants the conclusion lol
😂😂u and kitty can watch part 2 together
... did you just call me kitty or is that someone else?
No no ur hux
I'm kitty now 😅
Yess lol
Okie 😁