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افتح تطبيق الكاميرا على هاتفك وامسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة أعلاه
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المواعدة العابرة/


Hope they fix it soon
I feel you kitty 😑
I feel you kitty 😑
I feel you kitty 😑
That's how bad it is lol
He feels me 😂😂😂
Where? 👀😂
I dunno, ask him
David the spider legs are almost empty if you want some you have to get some 😂
>>> Where? 👀😂 In fingers lol
Typing message
And not getting them sent
But there's still dragons tongue? Lol
Yeah they are still closed 😅
What flavor is it?
Apple, Organe, blueberry, strawberry
Where's my morning match
Go to store and buy some matches
Which store
The supermarket
Or wholesale department store
Isn't it in the petrol station or hardware store? 🤭 Just kidding
Maybe better to check Amazon can get anything but don’t need to leave house
Hmm what abt shein
U wanna order too ?😹
shein 🤣
In between text
Text in between.
Text between in
Good morning
In text between
Italian guy here, anyone wanna have a chat?