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I ain’t listening to them it’s freedom of speech
They been abusing their powers for so long here
Bunch of bullies
Thanks though for the heads up
I’m fight this justice for everyone
Oh sorry I was taking a break I didn't want to get yelled at by the mod I'm here
Mods need to get a life
And grow up
I know they do but I was just taking a little break So I didn't get in trouble And adding it called out by the mod
But I mean if you would like to talk on a PM that's fine
Is sunny a mod?
Anyone can message me I don’t set walls
I guess sunny is a mod that banned me
No it's Berry
I think that's the one that's going around getting on people's nerves and in a bunch of different rooms and the one that's been warning me
Berry cherry 🍒
I guess that's the person's name I don't know I just blocked them because I'm sick of them getting a hold of me
No I don't need meds don't worry about my life until you get to know me
You all need to talk about Other things then people Till you get to know people and if you don't get to know people You to have no reason to talk about them
Good morning
You got that right
Good morn
Good morning Kentuckians
Morning everyone
Yo HMU anyone
Hiya folks - how're people?
I am good
Dm me please
Actually it's called p.m. on here
Livin the dream
Kentucky crossdresser PM if you want to talk
Oh dang the spammer reported me 🤣🤣
I'm not spamming the room I'm okay why do you say this stuff about me every single day in here people why don't you get to know somebody first
Hi there
Why do you all call out people that are not spamming the room but you say they're spamming the room when you know not the definition of spamming why don't you go look the definition of spamming up I'm sick and tired of everybody on this app saying oh you're spamming just because you talk
They want you to assimilate with bots or be banned 🤖
>>> Oh dang the spammer reported me 🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣
Noooo 😂
Well I guess no one ever wants to talk
Hello 👋👋👋