Bored working from home today. Any Kentucky ladies wanna chat?
The rain just started here...and it's like it decided to come down all at once.
That hasn't started here yet...or if it has, I missed it.
I just got back on this app and the first 50 karma are so false move and you plummet back to 0. 😂
Ooop there's the lightning and thunder. Wow.
Everyone still okay? No flooding?
*Assumes everyone has been washed away*
Flooding is an understatement. But the worse was the hail early this morning lots of damage caused by it.
We should all spam that number with ads.
Good. Hows your day going
My day is going all right not the best but it's better than some days
Wearing a MAGA hat is a clear sign of disrespect and hate for the history and values of this nation.
Kentucky crossdresser PM if you talk