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My photo blocked. I`ve got low reputation (karma). Should try again after 15 min. of text chatting. Still don't get it? Read tutorial https:www.antiland.comentutorial#photo <$
Good morning
Good morning y’all
Maya hee
Maya hoo
Meat 👋
Howdy denali
How’s it going?
Just working. Not too shabby how bout y’all
Same workin
South central ky here
Harrodsburg here😂
Which part of the state is that?
Like around Lexington and Lawrenceburg I’d say like central ish😅
Oh nice
Burlington Kentucky
Bowling Green here
Hi everyone
How is everybody. I’m in south central Ky area.
Whats everyone doing? We keep greeting each other
Just chilling at home hbu
Smoking crack
Niceeee lol. Sorry “meat man” I just joined the group lol.
Are there any women left on this fkn app lol
Youre good its just all the messages are “hi
Makes sense youre in Kentucky
Yeah just kind of how I introduce myself to a group. Not trying to sound like a bot just sounded better that’s what is up my dudes
I’m not criticizing
Nah I know lol
Snack time 🧡
Get in my belly!
Om nom nom nom
What did you have for snack today?
I invite you to a chatroom 'Sweet Southern Comfort': https:chat.antiland.comfIxuufVP47
Single guy 41 looking for a real relationship with ms right if your out there pm me
Nothing sadly
Don't start that again Rockyags
would anyone like to have a clean chat? ^-^
Start what
You know what I'm talking about