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FFind Ur Zodiac Match ♐️

Anyone up for fun
You may have the wrong chat lol
No problem
>>> Yes yes. There’s some light yellow ones as... Probably 👍
Hi everyonee
So this app is still going huh
Shocking innit
Degens never die out it seems ahahaha
Can a Virgo woman get along with an Aquarius man
I feel like a virgo woman is too put together for an aquarius male
They like that toxicity they'll just never admit it
Both very logical & intellectual
I’m sure they can get along but idk much about the pair so just assumptions
Good bc I hope they break up
I- whoa alright lol
I guess you want the aquarian male for yourself or don’t like the aquarian male for the virgo woman
Honestly mood
I respect that
I want the Aquarian man
Hmm 🤔
Well I came in on an interesting conversation lol
How’s it going?
It's going good, just relaxing atm wbu?
Same, should be sleeping but still up
Lol yeah pretty much the same. It's almost 2am here.
Same here! Gotta be up around 8-8:30
Really? Is it okay to ask where you are from?
Thankfully I dont gotta be up early tomorrow lol
Lucky lol
Lol on the opposite side, I'm from Wisconsin
Oh wow lol
So what about Taurus?
>>> Oh wow lol Haha yeah
Damn why is my Gemini gemining when i talk to people then start to drift away 😭
Every time I hope on here and see the name of the chat room makes me think of the one that got away
Aries Ariesing
We the best ♈️