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FFind Ur Zodiac Match ♐️

Great hair, inspirational, creative, talented, energetic, also stylish, go getter, ambitious
Strong as well
Thank you 😺
Yw yw. But is true for you?
It’s basically star racism
Oh how original
Here where i live, we calculate true sign from time of birth, date of birth just only appearance
Where I'm from, we scam ppl by telling them what they want to hear
For example next year your going to find the love of your life
Haha mostly fortune teller will tell the positive things in general
Nah I know few who said some werid zhit
Like you will die because of your last born ....
Because this one sentence my bestie has a father who kept his distance from him. Cause he thought his last child was going to kill him
Ohhh thats so horrible and sad
Yeah. Some people are just very cruel . Why would someone even say.
I never got the reader's psychology there.
>>> Yw yw. But is true for you? Yeah 😺😺😺
Idk if I'm talented tho haha
Sagittarius here
You can use it as reference
It's like when you start dating knowing their zodiac sign and you research..after a while you realise the traits match the person
Sag here
libra men 🙄so charming but such a loyal cheater 🙄😍
Aries here
libra here 😌💚💫
Libra here
Libra squirrel unison
Hi pisces here
Loyal cheater.. interesting
Pisces gang
love scorpios
I'm a scorpio hehe
Well im virgo ✌️
Same here
i love being a scorpio
i think i want my partner to be a taurus or an aries
does anyone know anything about numerology
Taurus 27f
♏️ are the best..
Good morning 🌅