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HHouse of BBW only18+

>>> Dam still goin hahaha wtf Lol it's hard to stop
>>> Taking it where? Lol to the east bay river and tossing you in it.
Taking it to my bedroom. It's a meeting in there
Taking it to the streets where I'm from
And who I'm for
Your just on a roll
Keep going I’m listening
Lol Nall. I'm all done now. No more rolling. Time to roll out
Going get dressed now
Wait quack is 70? I’ve smoked myself into narnia again
My phone gotta charge fr
That girl is 24
I’m dead 🤣
Must be one of your other ho3s your mistaken me with
You're one of my hos?
Since you said other
Well, I mean, if you wanna be
lol dang I did say that huh
>>> Must be one of your other ho3s your mistak... I also figured you probably texted him as well. You know? Since yall were Vibing and all
>>> lol dang I did say that huh You definitely did
You and Ole buddy that was telling me about myself
My bad , but nice catch lol you got me
lol your bestie
Lol yea. My bestie
That's what they're calling it nowadays
>>> My bad , but nice catch lol you got me Technically I caught you a long time ago. You ain't never want me to let go yet.
Sorry back
So anyways why’d you message me ray
Feeling okay?
I mean I’ve seen stepmom p@rn but you on some step great grandma sh$t bruh wtf
lol I do love our shii talking 🙄
He said you messaged him first 👀
He messaged me I’m assuming I ignored him here
Oh man that’s actually kinda funny
Shame I deleted them, the noti I saw tho he was begging for me to come back
Guys let gammy get some sleep tone it down ehhhh
Gammy is crazy
He said you wouldn’t stop messaging him..
I ignored his first message, deleted that then he messaged again. Deleted that too
lol das wild he flipped it
Sorry gamz I tried
It’s okay grandson not everyone can be captain save a ho
It’s called a narcissist flip.. will try and weasel their way to flip understandings of situations
I don’t care what mom says you’re awesome gammy!!!!!
Thanks grandson! Definitely no saving that ho!
😭😭😭😭 that’s horrible news
What’s horrible news