Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me
I tried to hyu and you asked for a gift
Looks like she got the selfie illuminated ring also 👀
I think she could be illuminati
>>> Of corse you did 😆
Lol don't I hit up every girl up here?
>>> Or a trans-former
Valid point 🤣🤣🤣
Like I said you for the streets
Lol that's where I live at apparently. How can I not be?
Dawg is just doing 1v5 at this point
He does that with his friends on his hand
Lol don't I always? I like getting jumped fr
Like that SpongeBob episode
>>> He does that with his friends on his hand
Definitely does. Love to jerk myself tbh
>>> Like that SpongeBob episode
Oh yea. I remember that. Just be talking to my friendly fingers
I mean what else would you do
>>> I mean what else would you do
Exactly. I'm a bum irl. That's my only option, duh
Either that or kill myself. Which I should actually do too, right? 🤣🤣🤣
I'm js. I'm letting him get all his little feelings out towards me.
Say whatever he feel like needs to be said. That way we'll all feel alot better about ourselves.
Must be delusional too, thinking I have any type of feeling for you
And tbh you should actually seek help
Lol you do. Must be a hatred feeling if you claim you call it like you see it.
But you're right. I should seek help tbh
Like on a real note… suicide isn’t something to joke about
I should get me a therapist
>>> Like on a real note… suicide isn’t somethi...
Lol but everything else is? Please stfu
I'll joke about whatever I want.
Why do you care? I ain't shii no way, right? Stand on bizness
Yeast infections gone wild up in here wtf hahaha
Lol definitely need to get that checked out. I been itching alot down there lately.
It’s crazy how dead on I hit the nail on the head with you
You’re welcome bruh. I really be savin
These ho’s
You’re lashing out at legit everyone virtually because you have actually no one irl
You feel alone in your world so you come here
>>> You’re welcome bruh. I really be savinThes...
Lol you're doing a good job too
Pushing everyone away because those you did let in irl used and abused you to the point you’re on edge
>>> It’s crazy how dead on I hit the nail on t...
It definitely is
>>> You’re lashing out at legit everyone virtu...
Yes, you're right
Seriously you should consider a therapist
>>> You feel alone in your world so you come here
Boy, you're a smart one
>>> Pushing everyone away because those you di...
Yes. Preach it. Amen