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HHouse of BBW only18+

Such a pretty booty
Hey you need to mf hmu direct rn
Come let me build and break some other stuff for you 🤭😋
Can I be your supervisor? And watch you?
Make him sweat
Wow that's a nice booty
I just want to watch his arms tbh 🤭🤭
You will also have to bring me beers 😋
And serve them to me … topless
The arms are fr the best part
Oh no I am a good supervisor and we don’t drink on the job sorry x that’s house needs to be perfect
Getting hot and steamy in here with all the flirting 🥰🥰
Didn’t think it was your thing Mr Green x
Mhmmm voodoo 😮‍💨
>>> Didn’t think it was your thing Mr Green x Hahaha when it's different
I’ll build that perfect house around that perfect body 😎😋
Good morning all
Morning You
It’s a morning
Sure is ☺️
Ah well then another morning to you
Thank you kindly
You are welcome
Well technically it’s nighttime but I am just being polite
Mundane evening to you Hannah
I should go back to bed cuz I can
How’s you coffee voodoo
Ohh yeah what kind is it?
Well those pics have certainly made Monday more tolerable, thank you ladies
My coffee is divine 😌
That’s all one can ask for at times
I’m envious of your mug btw
Do you need some divinity in your life? I will share
It would be an honor to have some granted
Lemme mama bird it to you
Please I don't even drink coffee n I'll line up
Chirp chirp chirp
OK back to work haha love you all
Hello there batty
Hi and bye lil caterpillar
Thank you haha
Goodnight lovely xx ♥️🖤 have a good day
Good night Hannah 😘🌷