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DDrunk Room🍻🥃🔞

Working on it here
Don't be siiiiiiick
Just punch it or something
Man slow night for hump day
Need a bigger Front Bump 🤣 🤣
So do I 😆 🤣
My girlfriend is drunk
Kraken black for me
Oooh nice!
Me too and mine sleep 😅
Stop crying go plow her
Bummer!! lol
I’m drinking beer and whiskey
Name of the whisky?
she will wake up with a surprise behind her 😅
Makers Mark 🥃
Atta boy!! lol give her the surprise she deserves lol
I like this whisky
she just had to stay awake
Hey y’all
👋🏻 Remy
What you drink?
Vodka and lemonade
Black kraken and coke
winneeee time!🍷
Oooo, a whole bottle of wine sounds good. And I am going to try the vodka and lemonade, I believe I would like that
Hi 🥂
Mahalooo ayeeee
Wassup my peeps
Morning coffee and whiskey
Morning y’all