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DDrunk Room🍻🥃🔞

>>> I'm sorry. What's a trigger thumb? Same as a trigger finger. Catches and hurts when you try to bend or use it
Oh ok. I hope all goes well and they can find a remedy
Thanks. I hope so too. I believe they will
I have faith in them. I feel like I have a really good care team
That's awesome!
Yes. They did a good job on the cyst on my tailbone about 3 years ago. So I'm very confident with them now
>>> That does suck. I'm dealing with a trigger... Doctor says do 10 shockers 3x a day for two weeks
I could go for a script like that 😂
I think im gay
Evening Sinners 😈
Message me
Baby's first bloody mary
Who wants to see my wife, dm
What do you think?
I like my Bloody Mary or Bloody Maria spicy
It's good! Zing Zang is amazing. I did put a little too much Tabasco tho 😅
I wanna try a bloody Maria so bad
Tabasco it necessary
I put waaaaaaaay too much. I was sweating
Mmmm.. that sexy
Well how did it taste ?!
Hey (:
Hello folks ✌🏼
What’s everyone up to
Getting stoned
Getting f
Getting the second glass of wine
Wine is a great idea!
Always is 😌
🍺 Day Drinking! 🍺
I want to day drink haha but I feel hungover ):
Day drinking is the best!
It'll cure your hangover ducky!
In German it's called "Konterbier" 🍻
Heyyy guys
Sup Caramel 👋🏻
Yall have any drinks today?