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FFOOD πŸ†ƒπŸ†πŸ…°πŸ†…πŸ…΄πŸ…» & πŸ…ΌπŸ†„πŸ†‚πŸ…ΈπŸ…²

I tired it first time in Miami.. n after that I fall in love with it
It is good tbh..
But in india we don't get that sort of shrimp paste..
Where do u get shrimp paste?
Yup .. we hv to import it...
Next time u stop by, il give u a lot hahaha
>>> Where do u get shrimp paste? 🀣🀣🀣 Sea is like 2000km away from my place
>>> 🀣🀣🀣 Sea is like 2000km away from my place Damn.. il be dead waiting by then hahahaha..
The last end on land toward south is like 2756 km from here 🀣🀣🀣
Oh man..
U must get a lot of shrimp paste then
On ur next visit there haha..
But in india we dont make shrimp paste like south east asian countries
Send it to me aate red 🀣🀣🀣
Yup..SEA countries esp. pinoys are a fan of ut..
Haha sure.. 🀘
Or else I will make it myself ...
Have u tried making one?
My dish THAKALI is consist of bowl of rice , sauted mustard leafs , potatoes boiled n cooked in chilli paste, pickled reddish, marinated fried bitter gaurd , lentil soup (daal) fermented spinach or mustard leafs sun dried , any meat curry
>>> Have u tried making one? Nope never... sea food is not our staple food .. we barely consume sea food .. here up in the north ..
Aate red what do u call shrimp paste the one which u use to make Binagoongan
Sleep well le Shang
Uncle tooom
We gonna burst fire crackers
India won against newzland
In cricket
But. Cricket is India πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
>>> Aate red what do u call shrimp paste the o... We call it bagoong alamang..
korean spring onion pan cake
I like those pancakes
Lol u should try it with sea food it's a whole different level .. 🀀🀀🀀🀀
Cuts of fish, shrimps , thai chilli , spring onion, squids ..
The one u had was spring onion and potato.
The one I posted was just with spring onion
N mung beans
Try this recipe.. with the exact measurements u will get the best texture of the pan cake ...
Thanks for sharing πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ»
vermicelli with thai red curry sauce