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šŸ“šPsychology Science Politics

If you don't have a shadow, your just hiding in the closet
Or probably in coffins šŸ˜
Who knows
In total darkness in any case
That's true
Makes sense for most of all world leaders. Humiliated children maybe.
That is a quote from my favorite psychologist, who specialized in the effects of early childhood trauma
Alice Miller
Aha. Makes sense
Hit Ler was
By his father
His father was an alcoholic and a cheater. And hit them
He is a fascinating individual for psychological study
Nonetheless, it doesnā€™t justify what he did
I've read a lot about him in that context
Thereā€™s an interesting documentary on Netflix
In a series called street food Asia
No, but it can be examined in a separate fashion
The one about Japan
The man tells his story about abuse by his father
Totally different character and story
Not everyone is evil
He is definitely frequently used in experience examples of the effects of physical abuse and psychological torturedeprivation
>>> In a series called street food Asia That sounds interesting
Yes, he is definitely a unique character, not in a good way
Charles Manson is similar
Charles Manson is similar
I've always gotten a lot of crap from people for humanizing people like that
Itā€™s hard to see the person behind them
Have any of you read ā€œGods in Every Manā€ by Jean Shinoda Bolen?
I think it's important to understand why people do the things they do. That doesn't mean the person's actions are any less wrong, just that we are looking at the whole. We are all more than the worst things we've done.
Yes, itā€™s important not to judge carelessly. Although in cases like these, genocides and serial killers, thereā€™s very little that can be looked at with empathy.
I look at the children, they didn't do anything šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
Thatā€™s true. But even if we observe them, they are not all the same. They behave differently since early ages.
What can these differences in behaviour be attributed to? I donā€™t know. I am not a behavioural therapist. Itā€™s just an observation
I'm only interested in the childhood years of those types of people, and don't have any issues of keeping them and their adult actions separate
Yes, I understand what you mean
Itā€™s interesting, because even when several siblings are raised by the same negligent parents, not all replicate the same behaviours
Genetic differences are at play too
As each will be different
Yes, thatā€™s true
I used to have my notebooks with quotes too. Then I underlined in my kindle. But my old kindle canā€™t be charged anymore, so I have lost them šŸ˜”
>>> Itā€™s interesting, because even when severa... So true.
That's awful about your kindle! ā˜¹ļø
You canā€™t trust technology
i love read book of psichology
i'm new
Hey new
Oooo finally
Some interesting group
It is very interesting indeed
>>> i'm new Welcome!
Happy Friday thinkers
Ooooo lovelyyyy
Happy frayday indeed
Good morning
Have a great day
hii ppl
Any topic for discussion today?
The classification of religions, the origins.. etc
How would you classify them?
Comparative religions
From world's major religions and their percentage
Do you mean you would compare them?
i have a controversial statement
in this topic
This is ridiculous lol
As of 2020 worlds major religions and their percentage
Christianity is 31 percent
Hinduism is 15.2
Islam 25 percent
from an objective standpoint, the religion with the highest probability of being true is christianity.
Buddhism 6.6 and irreligious 15 percent
and im not saying this from a personal christian perspective
What do you mean?
Let's decide the topic first
I mean, can you elaborate on this, please?
The argument is that it is the religion with the highest propagation outside of circumstances of birth and coercion
So what this percentage and classification means is that these percentage of people claim they follow their religion [even if they're not] but yeah
So globally, you have more than 60 percent people claiming they follow. religious
Ok I'm trippin
And bye there are more than 10k regions
More than 10k religions in the world but I only said the major ones
Si imagine more than 3 quarters of the global population identify with the main 4 religons
Would you then think all of these followers are blind sheep or would you question religions if they could hold any significance
>>> i have a controversial statement What's the controversial statement
Im back sorry got busy
I'm just a pagan here to watch šŸ‘€šŸæ
>>> Would you then think all of these follower... I think it's hard to take an absolute stance and say that "all" of any group would or would not do something, ir what they think. I am personally not part of any organized religion, but expect there are some who will follow blindly while others may question. There have been some social studies that show people will often follow the crowd even when the crowd is is wrong and the person themselves have the right answer.