I am perplexed by my own stupidity most of the time🤣
>>> Yes, it’s a never ending box of surprises
Guess that good
If everyone is special then no one is special
But if no one is special then everyone is probably special?
I am stuck in my own bubble
>>> I definitely learned not to "look" for a r...
>>> You meet the right person when you meet th...
When is someone right for you
Lots of things at time stages if life felt right
>>> Exactly 💯 if it’s meant to be, let it be ...
>>> Exactly! The 🧩 🧩 could fit but over time...
What is the reality
Ive been single most of my life
>>> Reality is that it started with lovebombin...
>>> That’s cuz they’re slowing withdrawing fro...
Thats been me
The swan should have been alone tho
The one closer to the lake
>>> When they say “too busy” yet they can be o...
OK bye have a good day yall