>>> Hi I’m brat
Well done you're approved to be here
I’ve never seen this bun before in my life
You're an avenger now kid 😌
>>> You're an avenger now kid 😌
Someone have to fix that brattitude 👄
I’m just hungry. Maybe you should cook me up some bratatouille
Bun trying to get me banned 😨
You would miss my company
Idk if the silence here is better than see you
I think someone had a slice of bratple pie today
Maybe she was born with it…
No, it’s definitely maybelline
Good, but its pretty hawt here and i dont like it
Ewww I hate hot luckily today isn't so bad basically 91°
We are almost at 30°c here
Similar to me what's the humidity?
Oh we at 51% if it was 60 or higher id hide haha
I hope it rains later something
Was gonna make a nice toasted sandwich for dinner but got lazy and ate a cold sandwich instead lmao
Hello and a very good morning.