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Anonyme Chaträume, Rollenspiel und Dating mit zufälligen Fremden online
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Gelegentliches Dating/

Bratty Beauties 2.0 ❣

Your name why would you want ppl to threat you
thang thats crazy what she seeking
Knock knock
*puts eye up to door peephole* Yes?
It's me
How can I help you, “me”?
Not sure yet
Hmmm 🤔 what was the reason for you knocking on the door then?
I forgot
Waiting here so long
I see. *opens door wider and ushers you in* Please have a seat at the table and maybe some hot tea will jog your memory?
Dad joke of the day: I confronted a mime today. He did unspeakable things
I’m bored af
Sup newb
hi 👀
How are ya
i’m not too bad hbu
Bored but otherwise good 🙂
i swear everyone here says they’re bored
lol yuppers
omg it’s jake
just popping in the app for shiz and giggles. what you been up to
Not much really work and gaming
What about you
Hello everyone
Do you think the sea is salty because the shore never waves back at it?
It was beautiful this past weekend. In the high 50s and low 60s. Then I wake up to snow this morning, and hasn't stopped 😭😭 I just want summer to be here
But in winter you can put more clothes on, in summer there’s only so many you can take off 😂
Big change coming from Colorado this past weekend
Hi hi