and if we have only reached the maturity levels of a 12 year old?
need some clean up items... I have more than just stuff to bound people in the van
lovely smile angel of chaos
not my room, just left for now may end up back there.
I have rope, zip ties, police batton, battery, jumper leads, acetone, plastic sheeting, shovel and some candy lets go for a joy ride
No not for now, long story we will see how things play out.
poor bugger, sonic seems like a solid bloke
besides I feel safer knowing there are two of us here who are as rough as a badgers scrotum!
me finks the lady does protest too much!
SONIC BRO!!!! fetch your boxing gloves you in for a rough time with AJ
angry sex is the best sex, cannot deny that
I was having this exact conversation with my mate the other day, the 5 ladies at the table next to us where in shock!
so typically we made it even worse to see if there eyes could get any larger or if they would get physically ill
the best thing is it was before a very intimate and reserved music show so these were some seriously stuck up people there for the emotional journey and we shocked them. My mate still had to get on stage and play in the show
enjoy!!! Almost time for me to leave work!
I know one set are better to bite!
pillow another dude I can see myself getting along with
I have only been on one first date where I havent kissed the person before.
I'm not hahahahahahahahaha
it there are spanks there then its a goodnight bite not kiss
Thanks I feel so proud
>>> Yeahhhhhh about that momma said I could be...
You're lucky I was just told go be someone else's problem so I chose the world to annoy