Do you like whales. Because I got a humpback for you at my place..... sorry I am an avid bird collector I seem to have lost my big breasted bed thrasher, are you her?
>>> Not home time. You mean mischief time 🍺
Are you joining?
>>> If you let me
For you the invite is always open
In the passion van a d ready for mmmmmmmmnischief
I am sticking my tongue out dancing to 90s bangers in a passion van and the car next to me has two gorgeous ladies in it laughing at my skinny ass
Inseduced then with the mating call
Phoenix!! So we hitting karaoke first so I can sing sweet transvestite
So now I get to sit in my favourite spot and have a cigarette before getting ready to go out
So excited for this cigarette
>>> I can't sing... But I can lip sync like a MF
I cab impersonate tim curry to a t, so sweet transvestite and sloe gin I nail.
Who cares it's about having fun and taking the piss
I just want to escape before rehearsals start here and I am reminded of my own inadequacies when Ed starts singinb
>>> I get too embarrassed and self-conscious
Karaoke I don't get shy. When it's a show or I join my mate fir a gig I often face away from the crowd
Bee you have really great legs